Academic Communication for Multilingual Speakers

Hear what sophomore Dejie Zhen '23, and recent alums Uriel Lopez-Serrano ‘20 and Avione Williams '20 have to say about working with Lisa. 

Uriel Lopez-Serrano, class of 2020, majored in both Theater and Performance and Religion. Originally from Los Angelos, Uriel started a position with Fidelity Investments in Dallas after graduation. The first chapter of his Honors Project, "Sorjuanismo: An Academic Devotion Towards Sor Juana" was accepted for publication in the Macksey Undergraduate Journal. 

Photo of Lisa Flanagan working with two students at a table in the Baldwin Center library

Lisa Flanagan working with two students in the Stein Library, Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching.


Avione "Ivy" Williams, class of 2020, is deeply interested in the intersection of health and sociology. After a stint at Dana Farber in Boston, she has returned to Philadelphia Public Health Management Corporation, and eventually anticipates a career in medicine and public health. 

Dejie Zhen is a junior from California. He is drawn to computer science and is exploring all Bowdoin has to offer. 


Academic Communication for Multilingual Speakers

Are you multi-lingual and/or have parents who speak multiple languages? Would you like to talk through your assignments, get ideas for reading strategies in college, and assistance with the conventions of scholarly writing such as: grammar, outlining, revising, editing, and citations?

Any student who grew up speaking more than one language is welcome to work with Lisa Flanagan, Associate Director of the Baldwin Center, Academic Communication for Multilingual Speakers by booking directly on her calendar or emailing her at

You may schedule a regular weekly appointment or meet when you have something in particular you want to discuss. Consultations are being held in person (H-L Library 112) or online (if requesting online, please specify "online" when making your appointment).

ACMS Office Hours: 
Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-5:00 pm ET
Friday 10:30 am-5:00 pm ET