2023 Fellows

Addison Davis
Addison Davis, Environmental Studies Fellow with the Town of Brunswick, summer 2023.



Addison spent the summer working on the Town of Brunswick’s climate and conservation initiatives, 运用环境政策课程的技能. 项目包括监测镇持有的保护地役权, developing a climate action survey, 采访当地社区领袖. The findings from the latter, 结合对基础设施漏洞的分析, 将为城市未来适应气候变化的行动提供指导. He also became familiar with many different municipal activities and departments, such as the Town Clerk, Assessing, and GIS Administration. Finally, 在气候行动特别工作组和自然资源保护委员会会议上, 他遇到了许多不伦瑞克的居民,并与他们一起工作.

"I spent the summer working on the Town of Brunswick’s climate and conservation initiatives, 把我在环境政策课上学到的技能付诸行动. 我很高兴采访了来自六个当地组织的工作人员,以形成不伦瑞克对气候变化的社会脆弱性评估, 比如食物和住房不安全. 这是一次独特的经历,在市政厅周围遇到了许多不同的工作人员,并提供了许多进一步的研究机会."


Julia Bradley
Julia Bradley, Environmental Studies Fellow with Bicycle Coalition of Maine, summer 2023.

Julia Bradley '25 -缅因州自行车联盟

This summer Julia Kate worked with the advocacy team at the Bicycle Coalition of Maine. 她协助跟踪了50张与自行车和行人问题有关的账单, 以及在会议结束时制定立法摘要. Julia Kate conducted research to support Maine’s upcoming statewide e-bike rebate program. She also collaborated with the Bowdoin Sustainability Office to hold a Community-spokes training on campus. This event gathered various community stakeholders to promote bicycle and pedestrian safety in Brunswick, through a local advocacy standpoint.

“与缅因州自行车联盟合作是一次了不起的经历. It has grounded me in the importance of local advocacy to create meaningful change. 从交通平静示范的测量圈定器, 研究电动自行车返利政策, BCM团队通过各种实践项目支持我的学习. I am grateful for the opportunity to combine my environmental and government interests and connect with the Maine community."

Nenna Goldthwaite
Neena Goldthwaite, Environmental Studies Fellow with Growing to Give, summer 2023.

Neena Goldthwaite '24 -成长给予

妮娜整个夏天都在“成长给予”组织工作, 一个非营利性有机农场,与当地食品储藏室和其他组织合作,为有需要的人提供高质量的农产品. 她主要和其他实习生一起工作, 农场工作人员和志愿者从事各种农场工作,如种植, weeding and harvesting. For her independent project, 她用玉米开辟了自己的试验田, beans and squash, referred to as the “three sisters”, 结合本土种植方法,种植传统品种.

“今年夏天,我很高兴能和太阳城娱乐的同学们一起工作, 志愿者和优秀的农场工作人员. 我获得了在小型有机农场工作的经验,并学习了许多可持续的方法,如免耕和伴生种植. 我喜欢参加一个强大的社区网络,增加了获得营养和环保产品的机会."

Ilo Holdrige
Ilo Holdrige '25 Environmental Studies Fellow with the Bowdoin Sustainability Office

Ilo Holdrige '25 -太阳城娱乐可持续发展办公室

伊洛整个夏天都在凯莎·佩森和克里斯蒂娜·霍尼卡特的指导下为太阳城娱乐的可持续发展办公室做研究. 他花时间与其他机构和公司的专业人士会面, reviewing project reports, and assessing the possibility of carrying out various innovative carbon offset projects at Bowdoin. Throughout this summer, 他制定了一份抵消项目清单,他希望看到太阳城娱乐可持续发展委员会在未来几个月和几年内采用这些项目,因为他们将继续向2042年的零碳校园迈进. 伊洛希望这项研究能成为一个跳板,为更多寻求不仅涉及学生群体的补偿项目提供帮助, but the entire Bowdoin community.

 “This summer I had the opportunity to carry out research under the supervision of Keisha Payson, a long-time climate activist, 并获得对可持续发展世界的宝贵见解. 我能够与来自其他大学的专业人士见面并建立联系, utility companies, 消费品代表和可持续发展组织. 我希望在我大学的剩余时间里,以及以后的岁月里,继续我太阳城娱乐气候变化的工作和研究.”

Jillian Horton
Jillian Horton, Environmental Studies Fellow with the City of Bath summer 2023.

Jillian Horton, 24 - Town of Bath

作为巴斯可持续发展办公室的一员, 吉莉安的主要项目包括完成巴斯的温室气体(GHG)清单,该清单将被纳入其2023年气候行动计划. 完成这份清单包括收集和计算来自城市不同部门的数据,以了解温室气体排放的来源. 吉莉安随后将这些发现提交给巴斯气候行动委员会, along with recommendations and projection models for actions to take in order to meet the city’s emissions reduction goals. 然后,她创建了一个全面的信息图表,将这些信息传达给巴斯的居民,并提供了他们可以采取的个人行动的资源,以帮助减少排放.

"今年夏天,我与巴斯市的合作令人大开眼界,我的项目产生了持久的影响,并将纳入该市未来的可持续发展工作. 我在环境领域接触了很多不同类型的工作, 这让我开始思考我从太阳城娱乐毕业后想做什么. 我在巴斯遇到的每个人都非常支持我的项目,帮助我建立新的联系,发现我在可持续发展方面的新激情."

Talia Mirel
Talia Mirel, Coastal Enterprises, Inc .环境研究研究员., CEI, summer 2023.

Talia Mirel '24 - Coastal Enterprises, Inc., CEI

As a fellow with the policy team, 塔利亚专注于一个项目,该项目有助于CEI了解缅因州农业和太阳能之间的交叉点, 特别是当前的政策是如何影响农场的, solar developers, and CEI’s work to support them. 她收集了这两个优先事项之间的紧张关系和趋同领域的细节,以便为CEI未来在国家政策方面的立场提供信息. Talia还为正在进行的项目做出了贡献, particularly by updating the bill tracker for the 131st Maine Legislature First Session. 她还参加了中欧倡议所属联盟的会议, 研究了当前的净能源计费政策, 并观察了缅因州议会大厦的投票.

“作为CEI的政策研究员,我非常珍惜自己的工作和学习经历. 我对CEI的贷款方式有了更深的理解, business advising, 政策倡导共同支持个人和社区. 了解CEI和缅因州各地致力于可持续农业和向可再生能源的公正过渡的人们的网络,帮助我更好地了解了该州的现状,并为实现这些目标的未来道路获得了希望和愿景.”

Emma Olney
Emma Olney, Environmental Studies Fellow with Maine Coast Fishermen's Association, summer 2023.

艾玛·奥尔尼'25 -缅因州海岸渔民协会

在缅因州海岸渔民协会工作, Emma Olney interviewed fishermen, lobstermen, and harvesters across the coast of Maine to record their personal connections to the water. 然后,她将这些回答与档案材料配对在一个互动平台上, 公众可访问的GIS故事地图,以突出在缅因湾变暖的环境威胁中渔民的管理, regulatory pressure on the industry, 以及海滨社区的社会混乱. She also researched ways to foster understanding between Brunswick residents and fishermen for an upcoming publication, as well as researched potential revisions to the federal Magnuson-Stevens Act.

“与缅因州海岸渔民协会合作, I gained the opportunity to learn more about the local fishing community by speaking with the stewards themselves; in doing so, my respect, admiration, 人们对这个行业的赞赏也与日俱增. These are some of the most thoughtful environmentalists I have ever encountered. Fishermen are community members who are civic-minded and fiercely passionate about their sustainability of their lifestyle. 他们真心希望为子孙后代保护环境——正是我们想要的那种为我们的水资源而战的人.”

Angela Delgado
Angela Delgado, Cooke Environmental Research Fellow with South Bay Cities Council of Governments' Environmental Services Center, summer 2023.


Angela Delgado '25 - South Bay Cities Council of Governments' Environmental Services Center

获得环境研究库克奖学金, 安吉拉能够在南湾市政府委员会的环境服务中心度过她的暑假. There, 她花了很多时间进行研究,并协助他们的营销团队为该组织的20周年庆典做准备. Her research focused on the use of solar power in Southern California’s South Bay Area, 她在哪里发现了使用率下降和低收入社区之间的联系. Angela在营销团队的主要职责是撰写SBCCG的业绩报告和管理组织的网站, list of contacts, 以及由他们在洛杉矶县的合作伙伴管理的营销材料.

“I thoroughly enjoyed working with the South Bay Cities Council of Governments’ Environmental Services Center. I got to learn a lot about the community organizing side of environmental work, and I appreciated how the organization’s staff is very passionate about the resources they help provide. 我在SBCCG的经历加强了我的许多管理技能,这些技能与我的职业目标有关,我很感激有机会与专注于可持续发展的人密切合作."

Ashwini Sahasrabudhe
Ashwini Sahasrabudhe '25, Cooke Environmental Research Fellow with Lyme Land Trust

Ashwini Sahasrabudhe '25 -莱姆土地信托

阿什维尼整个夏天都在莱姆的莱姆土地信托公司实习, 在康涅狄格州,她开发了一种方法来评估森林保护区小径两侧常见入侵植物物种的存在和严重程度. 这是首次对LLT入侵植物进行调查, and the information she collected will inform the land trust’s plans for invasive plant management in the future. Ashwini还与LLT的志愿者和工作人员一起工作, 管理入侵性植物侵扰, clearing new trails, and fundraising, and she got a window into all the moving parts and amazing people that go into protecting land.

“After growing up near Lyme, 与莱姆土地信托公司合作是一段美妙的经历,我了解了我所热爱的土地是如何形成并保存下来的. My project this summer was an ideal intersection of my interests in environmental studies and biology. Along the way, I met many kind and dedicated volunteers and leaders who continuously strive to keep our natural areas safe, 我很感激能参与他们所做的重要工作.”

Owen Ratliff
Owen Ratliff, Poppy Environmental Fellow with The Nature Conservancy of Maine, summer 2023.



Owen was involved with projects spanning the entirety of The Nature Conservancy’s work in Maine. Around the office, 欧文帮助海洋小组审查了缅因湾海上风电的意见信,并研究了大自然保护协会保护区名称的历史渊源. 欧文也有机会将他的写作技巧用于开发团队的拨款报告和太阳城娱乐户外股权基金的回顾. Outside of the office, Owen was fortunate to get a multi-day field experience on The Conservancy’s Leuthold Preserve, 协助团队收集林业和植物学数据.

“与大自然保护协会合作是一段不可思议的经历! 我喜欢向知识渊博、有思想的同事学习, with a highlight being the opportunity to shadow the director of government relations at the state house. 在缅因州,我对许多环境问题有了新的看法, which I am looking forward to bringing back to my Bowdoin Environmental Studies classes. 参与以任务为导向的工作是非常有益的, 我很感激能在大自然保护协会工作."

Connor Hovendon
Connor Hovendon, Poppy Environmental Fellowship with Kennebec Estuary Land Trust

Poppy Environmental Fellowship

Connor Hovendon, 24岁-肯纳贝克河口土地信托基金的罂粟花研究员

作为肯纳贝克河口土地信托基金的波比研究员, Connor worked on a variety of the organization’s environmental conservation projects. In the office, 他利用地理信息系统在KELT保护区绘制了路径图, 绘制自然区域地图,帮助教育项目, 还建了一个太阳城娱乐铁杉羊毛阿德莱德的网页, 一种影响缅因州森林的入侵性害虫. Out in the field, he facilitated community water sampling projects and helped with saltmarsh restoration, including the placement of water level monitors to determine the extent of rehabilitation required. 这项工作有助于KELT推进土地管理项目,也为未来的社区推广奠定了基础.

“Working with the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust this summer was a wonderful experience. 我不仅建立了我对环境保护的兴趣, but I was able to do so alongside an incredible group of passionate volunteers and staff! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work with the KELT team and expand my skills and experience in conservation.”