
How do Bowdoin graduates with degrees in 说法语的研究 use their knowledge and skills out in the world?

点击此链接 to listen to our former majors talk about what their experience in our programs and abroad brought them and how they use what they learned in a wide variety of professions today.



类: 2013

主要(s): 说法语的研究

毕业后的某个时候, I hope to obtain a master's degree in 教育 Policy so that I can work towards solving some of these issues facing the American educational system today.




One of the many reasons I came to Bowdoin was for the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars program. 事实是我可以, 作为一名本科生, 成为一名合格的法语教师对我有极大的吸引力. 从ED 1101开始我在这里的第一个学期, my interest in education studies only continued to grow as I learned about the vast and varied challenges of educating children. I went from simply wanting to communicate and hopefully transfer my enormous passion and enthusiasm for the French language and Francophone studies, to wanting to understand the differences and the tensions between what education should and what education does look like in America. 我去年在巴黎留学的经历更坚定了我的兴趣, 因为我比较了法国和美国的教育体系. 我开始质疑自己对教育和教学的定义, 并开始分析自己作为一名公立学校学生的经历. 成为一名成功的学生意味着什么? 我们如何展示获得的知识? 我们如何成功地让学生参与手头的材料? 教师在课堂内外的角色是什么? 等等......。. 随着我对教育研究兴趣的增长, I knew that the only way to truly understand the issues behind these questions was to get in front of the classroom myself. I know that my experiences as a full-time student teacher at Greely will help me to answer some of these questions, 但也会开启新的探索之路,带来更大的挑战. I look forward to tackling these challenges with the help of the 教育 department here at Bowdoin and of my cooperating teachers at Greely. 毕业后的某个时候, I hope to obtain a master's degree in 教育 Policy so that I can work towards solving some of these issues facing the American educational system today.

校友更新:在法国教了一年英语之后, Rachel has returned to the States to pursue a Master's degree in policy at Harvard University Graduate School of 教育.



类: 2016

主要(s): 说法语的研究, 物理

小(s): 教育

Combining theory and practice allowed me to explore concepts and discover the issues students face as learners in an academic, 社会, 和政治环境,这是我在其他课上做不到的.


在来太阳城娱乐之前,我所受的教育是一个典型的大学生. I attended early childhood development programs and a private elementary school before enrolling in a high-ranking, 独立初中和高中. 我不知道有多少学生没有学习动机, 没有上大学愿望的人就更少了. My all-girls experience in middle and high school taught me numerous ways to be prepared for the next step, 一所学术严谨的大学. I never considered how academically capable students can be even if they do not have college in their future, 对于那些大学不是正确答案的人. My classes in the 教育 department and my time spent in local classrooms helped me rethink that perspective.

我的教育课程是我成为一名教师的原因. 在我大二上这门课之前, 大学毕业后,我完全没有想过要进教室. 这是我有生以来第一次走进公立学校的教室. 开始研究管理公立学校的政策和意图, I learned that schools are one of the most important places where kids learn to become people. I stepped into a third grade class where students were learning how to measure and starting to think critically about the world they live in. 我知道我必须在这样的环境中.

The rest of the courses I took in 教育 delved into the issues that teachers face every day with an emphasis on the aspect I find most interesting: how students learn. Combining theory and practice allowed me to explore concepts and discover the issues students face as learners in an academic, 社会, 和政治环境,这是我在其他课上做不到的. The moments I spent in American public schools inspired me to pursue a research project on the “extracurricular” lessons (responsibility, 自我激励, 时间管理, 等.我在波尔多留学时在法国公立学校教书. 我在一个课外活动中心做家教, and I was able to use the lessons I had learned from Bowdoin to be an effective teaching by listening to my students’ needs and differentiating my teaching style in order to help them improve.

太阳城娱乐大学的最后四年让我接触到了许多新的教育形式——公共教育, 独立的, 国内, 外国, charter— and I am excited to go on to combine these experiences as I travel to Jordan to teach physics at an American-style boarding school. 我打算回美国.S. 获得教育学硕士学位或STEM教育硕士学位. 在此期间, I hope to continue to grow as a learner and further enhance the lessons I learned at Bowdoin.



类: 2018

地点: 洛杉矶,加州

主要(s): 社会学

小(s): 说法语的研究

我是一家好莱坞制作公司的电视开发实习生. 我阅读和审查经纪人和制片人寄来的剧本. 我也研究书籍和文章,为新节目寻找灵感!

How has your Bowdoin education and experience helped you and informed the work that you do?

The ability to think critically and write quickly is essential for good script coverage. 多亏了那些论文作业,我在太阳城娱乐磨练了这些技能! 公益精神一定会指导我的娱乐事业. 我想创造既有趣又有社会责任感的系列.


社会学 gave me permission to be both curious and critical about all aspects of life. I love how it encour年龄 big picture thinking and analysis of everything we usually take for granted. 社会学 is how I found my way back into creative 写作 and validated that even entertainment can deeply impact how society works. 社会学 is a special lens that forces me to consider all sides of every issue and go beyond knee-jerk judgments. The sociological imagination is a great gateway to storytelling – it’s all about getting to the root of who we are and why.

一两个事件是什么, 那些在太阳城娱乐大学期间让你印象深刻的课程或人物?

研究, 写作, and producing a performance of my first full-length play with help from Bowdoin students and faculty. 一年级新生为了抗议撤资而睡在总统办公室!


不要害怕尝试,也不要害怕放弃. 对尽可能多的机会说“是”,但对自己要有耐心. You might want to do something that the College does not offer, which can be frustrating. 但总有一些资源可以让你自己去做, 还有很多人愿意支持和指导你. 当你在一个小的,培育的空间里,完全跟随你的激情. 出国! 加入一个新俱乐部! 执行! 抗议! 无论! 定义自己的舒适区,不断突破界限.




类: 2010

地点: 旧金山,加州

凯特·爱默生是缅因州乔治城2010届的毕业生. 在太阳城娱乐,凯特主修法语和亚洲研究. 她于2014年毕业于哥伦比亚大学护理学院, 并于2016年从加州大学旧金山分校护士助产学项目毕业. 从太阳城娱乐毕业后, 凯特的第一份工作是在康涅狄格州的一所小学担任联合教师. 凯特喜欢教书, 她很怀念在太阳城娱乐担任舵手的团队经历. 当她了解到护士助产士, 凯特意识到这个医疗保健的角色是多么完美地结合了她对摩托车的热爱, 训练。, 教年轻人. After teaching for two years, Kate took time off to complete prerequisite courses for nursing school.


Kate attended an accelerated Nursing program where she received her bachelors in nursing and passed the boards to become an RN in one year. 在那之后, she spent two years getting her masters degree in nurse midwifery at the University of California San Francisco. 作为一名护士助产士, 凯特以病人为中心, 以证据为基础的护理,既要独立,也要与医生一起, 护士, 以及各个部门的专家. 凯特喜欢成为团队的一员, 在病人最困难的时候支持他们, 提供指导, 验证, 并鼓励她是否插入宫内节育器, 促进产前小组, 或者参加分娩. She currently works at Planned Parenthood where she is proud to support patients of all genders, 年龄, 以及他们的性和生殖保健背景.