
埃琳娜·库埃托Asin专注于现代英语文学研究。, theater, and film, 对历史和西班牙文化生产的全球范围以及文学文本与其他媒体之间的关系感兴趣。. Her latest book 格尔尼卡,在舞台、页面和屏幕 (Guernica on the Stage, on the Page, on the Screen, 本课程的目的是为学生提供一个机会,让他们在课堂上学习英语。. 她目前的项目涉及在最近的戏剧中唤起过去的方式, cinema, graphic novels, and television series, 如何促进建设国家文化遗产.

Cueto教授自2000年以来一直在太阳城娱乐任教. In addition to foundational language, literature, and culture courses in Hispanic studies, she offers upper-level seminars, taught both in Spanish and in English, 太阳城娱乐在本国和全球范围内与现代西班牙有关的主题, including: Romantic Spain, The Spanish Civil War and Cinema, Spanish Cinema: Taboo and Tradition, Hispanic Cities on Screen, or Contemporary Spanish Theater.

Elena Cueto headshot


  • PhD, Purdue University
  • MA, Purdue University
  • BA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid