
The Office of Student 奖学金 and Research offers ten institutional fellowships to fund student research in the performing arts or humanities.

Students find that immersing themselves in research in the performing arts or humanities gives them a chance to personalize their undergraduate experience and often serves as a springboard for independent study and honors projects. 奖学金 also lead to students co-authoring papers with their faculty mentor or presenting their findings at professional meetings, experiences that are invaluable for those students considering graduate study. 不管你的兴趣如何变化, 你会发现你利用了这些知识, 技能, and experiences gained through these enhanced learning opportunities for years to come.

Below are fellowships that Bowdoin offers in the areas of Performing 艺术 and the Humanities. 参观 奖学金的页面 有关如何申请的具体信息.